HP48G(X) Graphic Calculators
Very fast games I did in assembly language, 1995~1998

I wrote so many games for this HP48 graphic calculators : plenty of time and a memory card for backups! We still find those oldies calcs on eBay and also a great list of Emulators available out there: Emu48, x48 for Desktop and smartphone. I even try to build online emu48 with Javascript : jsEmu48.
Download SunHP games
Android, MarioHP, TennisHP, ArkanoidLite,
Tron48, DrMario, Firestarter, Novanoid, Meganoid,
Meganoid Gold, PinballHP, Racer, SuperMarioHP, SuperMarioHP49,
WarioHP, WarioHP 2, ZeldaHP
Screen captures

Tools and useful links
Saturn Assembly ASM language sources codes available on Github
Online HP48G(X) Calc jsEmu48
Install x48 Emu on your Mac OS X : x48 Mac
Get HP48 emulator on your iPhone m48+
Get HP48 emulator on your Android droid48 + droid48 Reader
Programming ebook ASM Saturn (in french) Cours de programmation HP48 Saturn
Good old 3"5 floppy disks